Education Solutions

Today, ICT is the main part in all spheres of human activity including education. In an educational institution, the number of computing devices and its requirements of connectivity is continuously increasing. The electronic learning technologies are providing the learner’s access to virtually unlimited resources.

The limitation of terrestrial telecom networks has given birth to the digital divide. SATCOM is coming to the rescue by bridging the gap and providing broadband connectivity to underprivileged communities around the globe.


SATCOM’s ability of rapid deployment in the remote and challenging terrain and reliable communication with base station makes it the most feasible and logical solution

TAQNIA SPACE Educational Solution

TAQNIA SPACE offers smart educational solutions which are optimized to work with satellite-based connectivity. Our solutions deliver educational contents to remote educational facilities thus saving money and time. It also offers the central resource allocation by catering multiple remote simultaneously using unified feed. TSC offerings enables the subscribers the creation of virtual classrooms and access to eLearning applications that provides

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